1.Law is the body.
a)Law Maker b)Dispute solver
c)Law implementer d)Solves Gender Inequality
2.How many lists are there in Constitution?
a)1 b)2
c)3 d)4
3. Body executes Law.
a)Legislative b)Executive
c)Judiciary d)None
4.Which of the following is not the body of executive?
c)Municipality d)Parliament
5.Judiciary Body includes following
a)District Court b)High Court
c)Supreme Court d)All of these
6.When did India adopted constitution of India?
a)26 Nov. 1947 b)26 Nov. 1948
c)26 Nov. 1949 d)None
7.When did Constitution of India applied?
a)26 Jan. 1950 b)26 Jan. 1947
c)26 Jan. 1948 d)None
8.From which country’s Constitution the judicial Review has been borrowed?
a)Irish b)Canada
c)British d)US
9.India is a country.
a)Federal b)Unitary
c)Quasi-Federal d)None
10. is the Highest Court of law.
a)Supreme Court b)High Court
c)District Court d)None
11.All the rights are not Absolute
a)True b)False
12.Article 12 consists of
a)State b)Private firm
c)Pre & Post Constitutional Laws d)None
13. State includes
a)Local and other Authority b)Union Govt.
c)Govt. & legislature of each state d)All of these
14.The Body/ Institution which is formed by the act comes under
a)Other Authority b)Govt. firms
c)Local Authority d)None of these
15.State consists of , to become state we need following conditions
a)Entire share capital held by government.
b)If financial assistant is so much as to meet entire expenditure.
c)If govt. department is changed to corporation.
d)All of these.
16.In which it was decided that to become a State we need following condition
a)Ajay Mujeeb vs. Hasina Khalid
b)Ajay Hasina vs. Khalid Mujeeb
c)Prashant Singh vs. Nikita Singh
d)Rahul Singh vs. Mohan Prasad
17.Article 13 is
a)Pre & Post Constitutional Laws b)Existing & Future Laws
c)Both d)None
18.Which article defines Equality before Law and Equal Protection of Law?
a)Article 16 b)Article 14
c)Article 15 d)Article 18
19.Right to Equality defines Equal Protection of Law applied to all citizens,
a)True b)False
20.Which article defines judicial review?
a)Article 16 b)Article 20
c)Article 13 d)Article 21
21.Which article defines Protection of Conviction for offences?
a)Article 16 b)Article 20
c)Article 21 d)Article 14
22.Which article prohibits of discrimination only on grounds of religion, race,
caste, sex or place of birth?
a)Article 15 b)Article 16
c)Article 17 d)Article 18
23. Defines that ‘No Citizen shall be subject to any disability
restrictions or condition with regard to-Restaurant, Hotels, Well, Tanks, etc’.
a)Article 15(1) b)Article 15(3)
c)Article 15(2) d)None
24.Article 15(3) defines
a)Special provision for women and children protection
b)Education purpose
c)Weaker section
d)ST’s & SC’s
25.Special provisions for education of background classes, scheduled cast,
scheduled tribe defines under section
a)Article 16 b)Article 15(5)
c)Article 15(4) d)Article 15(6)
26.93rd Amendment was for the
a)Article 15(5) b)Article 15(4)
c)Article 15(2) d) None
27.93rd Amendment was done in year
a)2004 b)2005
c) 2006 d)2003
28.When the amendment of Article 15(6) took place?
a)2018 b)2019
c)2016 d)2017
29.The preamble of our constitution consists of all except
a)Adult Franchise b)Equality of status
c)Fraternity d)Justice
30.Eqaulity of opportunity in matter of public employment is included in
a)Article 18 b)Article 15
c)Article 17 d)Article 16
31.Article 16(2) defines
a)State b)Prohibit State discrimination
c)Religion d)None
32.In which exceptions does laws are made regarding Status, class of
a)Article 16(4) b)Article 16(5)
c)Article 16(3) d)Article 16(2)
33.Religious Denomination is defined under section
a)Article 16(5) b)Article 16(4)
c)Article 16(4) d)Article 16(3)
34.According to Article 16(6), % Reservation is given to economically
Backward class
a)12% b)11%
c)10% d)20%
35.Abolition of Untouchability is defined under
a)Article 16 b)Article 17
c)Article 18 d)Article 14
36.Abolition of Title is defined in
a)Article 18 b)Article 17
c)Article 20 d)Article 16
37.Right of Freedom is for
a)Citizen b)Foreigners
c)Both d)None
38. Freedom speech of expression is defined under article
a)Article 19(b) b)Article 19(c)
c)Article 19(a) d)None
39.Which of the following is not a part of Right to Freedom?
a)Right to assemble peacefully without arms
b)Form association or Union
c)Move freely throughout the territory
d)Right to property
40.Reside and settle in any part of protection of India is defined in
a)Article 19(e) b)Article 19(b)
c)Article 19(g) d)Article 19(c)
41. Article 19(g) defines
a)Form Association or Union
b)Freedom of speech and expression
c)Move freely through territory of India
d)Practice any profession or to carry any occupation, Trade or Business.
42.Restrictions in fundamental rights are
a)Sovereignty and Integrity
b)Security of State and friendly relations with foreign State
c) Public Order & Decency , Morality
d)All of these
43.Right to property in India is now
a)Fundamental Right b)Legal Right
c)Constitutional Right d)None
44.Fundamental Rights are
a)Negative Rights b)Restrictive Rights
c)Limited Rights d)All of these
45.What is the minimum permissible age for employment in any factory?
a)12 years b)14 years
c)16 years d)18 years
46.Right to Life and Personal Liberty is defined under
a)Article 21(a) b)Article 21(b)
c) Article 21(c) d)Article 21(d)
47.Free and compulsory Education up to 6-14 year-Article is defined under
a)Article 21(a) b)Article 21(b)
c)Article 21(c) d)Article 21(d)
48.Article 23 defines
a)Prohibition of employment of children in factories
b)Prohibition of Traffic in Human Beings and forced labour
49. Article -> Prohibition of Employment of Children
a)Article 21 b)Article 22
c)Article 23 d)Article 24
50.Freedom of conscience and free profession, practice and propagation of
religion is defined
a)Article 25 b)Article 26
c)Article 27 d)Article 28
51.Aricle 26 defines Freedom to manage Religious Affairs
a)True b)False
52.Freedom as to attendance religious instruction or Religious worship in
certain educational institutions in defined in
a)Article 25 b)Article 26
c)Article 27 d)Article 28
53.Freedom as to payment of taxes for promotion of any particular Religion is
defined in 29
a)True b)False
54.Right to Constitutional Remedies is defined under
a)Article 31 b)Article 32
c)Article 33 d)None
55.Which of the following is not a Constitutional Remedies?
a)Habeas Corpus b)Mandamus
c)Quo Warranto d)Authority
56.Habeas Corpus means
a)To have a Muscle b)To have a Figure
c)To have a Body d)None
57.The person can directly confined or threatened can move to supreme
court as per article
a)Article 32 b)Article 226
c)Article 34 d)Article 35
58.The suffering or aggrieved party can move to high court according to if
he/she has been tortured or confined unnecessarily
a)Article 32 b)Article 36
c)Article 225 d) Article 226
59.Right to Constitutional Remedies is a
a)Fundamental Right b)Legal Right
c)Constitutional Right d)Natural Right
60.Untouchablilty is associated with
a)Social Inequality b)Political Inequality
c)Economical Inequality d)Religious Inequality
61.Cotempt of Court places restrictions on which fundamental right
a)Right to Freedom
b)Right against expression
c)Right to equality
d)Right to Constitutional Remedies
62.Mandamus means
a)To Support b)To Control
c)To Command d)To Argue
63.Mandamus can be issued against
a)Private Authority b)Public Authority
c)Both d)None
64.In this Mandamus, Writ can be
a)Discretionary b)Denied
c)Both d)None
65.Prohibition commands
a)Inactivity b)Activity
c)Non Violence d)Murder
66. is issue against the court, not against the person
a)Mandamus b)Quo Warranto
c)Habeas Corpus d)Prohibition
67.Certiorari is available to
a)Available to person b)Individual
c)Legal Authority d)All of these
68.Certiorari is available alter later stage(i.e. After Trial)
a)True b)False
69.Quo Warranto means
a)To command b)To have a Body
c)What is your Authority d)All of these
70.Which Article defines Directive Principles of State Policy?
a)36 to 51 b)36 to 51A
c)39 to 51 d) 39 to 51A
71.Which one of the following is not the Directive Principle of State Policy?
a)To increase the level of Nutrition
b)To develop the scientific temper
c)To promote economic interest of weaker section
d)To separate the Judicial system from the Executive
72.Protection and interest of the minorities is envisaged in which article?
a)Article14 b)Article 19
c)Article29 d) Article 32
73.’State must take steps to organise village panchayats and unable them to
function as unit of self government’ is defined under Article
a)Article 40 b)Article 42
c)Article 43A d) Article 39A
74.The total no. Fundamental duties mentioned in the Constitution
a)9 b)10
c)12 d)11
75.Provision for free and compulsory education for children up to age 14 years
a)Article 50 b)Article 45
c)Article 46 d)Article 48
76.Fundamentals Duties mentioned in the Indian Constitution was
Incorporated in the year
a)1971 b)1972
c)1975 d)1976
77.Fundamental Duties are included in the Constitution by which of the
following Act?
a)40th Amendment Act b)44th Amendment Act
Amendment Act d)42nd Amendment Act
78.The Fundamental Duties are mentioned in which of the following?
a)Part IV (A) b)Part IV
c)Part III d)In Schedule IV(A)
79.Who certifies a bill as money bill when it goes to other Houses or for
President Assent?
a)Finance Minister b)Speaker of Lok Sabha
c)Speaker of Rajya Sabha d)Prime Minister
80.Citizenship is defined under which article
a)Article 5-11 b)Article 11-15
c)Article 1-5 d)Article 20-25
81.Indian Citizenship Act was passed on
a)1956 b)2002
c)2003 d)2004
82.Citizenship Amendment Act was passed in (Overseas Citizens).
a)2001 b)2002
c)2003 d)2004
83.What are the features through which you can be citizen of India?
a)By Birth b)By Registration
c)By Decent d)All of these
84.Parliament consists of the following
b)Council of State(Rajya Sabha)
c)House of People(Lok Sabha)
d)All of the above
85.Which of the following is not the power of President?
a)Administrative Power b)Military Power
c)Judicial Power d)Supreme Court Power
86.Power to Promulgate Ordinance is defined under which Article?
a)Article 122 b)Article 123
c)Article 124 d)Article 125
87. Members are nominated by President in Rajya Sabha
a)11 b)13
c)12 d)15
88.How Members are elected through Indirect Election?
a)250 Members b)238 Members
c)280 Members d)246 Members
89.Lok Sabha is also called as
a)House of the People b)Council Of States
c)Parliament d)Supreme/High Court
90. Members represents State in Lok Sabha
a)560 b)540
c)530 d)580
91.2 Members represents (Lok Sabha)
a)Anglo Indian Community b)UT’s
c)State d)District
92.The Parliamentary system of the government in India is taken from
a)Canada b)UK
c)America d)Australia
93.The Salary and Allowance of Ministries of the government of India are
determined by whom?
a)Prime Minister b)President
c)Council of Ministries d)Parliament
94.If any Ministries doesn’t agree with any decision of the Cabinet
a)President can Remove him without seeking the PM
b)He has to Resign
c)He can remain a Minster
d)None of above
95.In which of the following States, there is no Legislative Council?
a)West Bengal b)Telangana
c)Karnataka d)Tamil Nadu
96.What can be the maximum strength of members in the State Legislature?
a)600 b)500
c)552 d)450
97.What is the maximum no. of members in State Legislative Council?
a)40 b)50
c)60 d)30
98.How many people of Anglo Indian Community can be nominated by the
governor in the State Legislative Assembly?
a)6 b)12
c)2 d)1
99.The oath to office to the Governeries administered by
a)President of India
b)The Chief Justice of the concerned State High Court
c)Prime Minister
d)None of the above
100.Which of the following power doesn’t passed by a Governor?
a)Diplomatic Power b)Executive Power
c)Judicial Power d)Legislative Power
101.From which source India got concept of single order of court?
a)Government Of India Act 1935 b)Government of India Act 1919
c)Pitts India Act 1773 d)None
102.Which qualification is wrong for being a Judge in Supreme Court?
a)Compulsory to be a Citizen of India
b)He should be a respected jurist in the eyes of Parliament
c)MMus be a judge of High Court for at least 5 years
d)He should be a lawyer in High Court for at least 10 years
103.Who can remove a judge of Supreme Court?
a)Chief Justice of Supreme Court b)Only President
c)Only Parliament d) Both (b) and (c)
104.How many High Courts are there in India Currently?
a)31 b)27
c)24 d)33
105.Who can extend the Jurisdiction of a High Court?
a)Parliament of India b)President
c)Supreme Court d)Governor
106.Indian High Court Act was established in the year?
a)1881 b)1859
c)1861 d)1870
107.Subordinate Court consists of
a)Civil Court b)Both
c)Criminal Court d)None
108.Special Tribunal solve the cases for
a)Direct Tax b)Customs
c)Claims for accident d)All of these
109.Special Tribunals includes
c)Both d)None
110.Which article of India Constitution deals with Constitutional Amendments?
a)Article 332 b)Article 368
c)Article 386 d)None
111.The Process of Constitution Amendment in India is taken from
a)America b)Japan
c)South Africa d)Canada
112.In which year 2nd Amendment of Constitution took place?
a)1962 b)1961
c)1952 d)1956
113.Which of the following Constitution amended the age of voting from 21 to
a)51st b)48th
c)61st d)86th
114.Which of the following doesn’t matched correctly?
a)Constitution(64th Amendment)Act 1990
b)Constitution(69th Amendment) Act 1991
c)Constitution (100th Amendment Act) 2015
d)Constitution (45th amendment Act) 1985
115.In how many ways the constitutional Amendment in India can take place?
a)2 b)5
c)4 d)1
116.When was 103 Amendment Act was done?
a)2018 b)2017
c)2019 d)2020
117.In 103rd Amendment Act, Changes in Fundamental right was made in
a)Article 15 & 16 b)Article 18 & 19
c)Article 19 & 21 d)Article 16 & 17
118.Which article says that no. of Ministries including CM in states shall not be
less than 12
a)Article 164 (1A) b)Article 165 (1A)
c)Article 168 (2A) d)None
119.GST was added in Amendment Act 2016
a)102 Amendment Act
b)101 Amendment Act
c)103 Amendment Act
d)91st Amendment Act
120.Which Act says that 10% all govt. jobs and college seats will be reserved
for people outside high income bracket?
a)102 Amendment Act 2018
b)103 Amendment Act 2019
c)100 Amendment Act 2017
d)101 Amendment Act 2016
1 a 16 b 31 b 46 b 61 a 76 d 91 a
2 c 17 c 32 c 47 a 62 c 77 d 92 b
3 b 18 b 33 a 48 b 63 b 78 b 93 d
4 c 19 a 34 c 49 d 64 c 79 b 94 b
5 d 20 c 35 b 50 a 65 a 80 a 95 a
6 c 21 b 36 a 51 a 66 d 81 b 96 b
7 a 22 a 37 a 52 d 67 d 82 c 97 a
8 c 23 c 38 c 53 b 68 a 83 d 98 d
9 c 24 a 39 d 54 b 69 c 84 d 99 b
10 a 25 b 40 a 55 d 70 a 85 d 100 a
11 b 26 a 41 d 56 c 71 b 86 b 101 a
12 a 27 c 42 d 57 a 72 c 87 c 102 b
13 d 28 b 43 b 58 d 73 a 88 c 103 d
14 a 29 a 44 a 59 a 74 d 89 a 104 c
15 d 30 d 45 b 60 a 75 b 90 d 105 a
106 b 109 c 112 c 115 b 118 a
107 d 110 c 113 c 116 c 119 b
108 d 111 c 114 d 117 a 120 b