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E-learning Portal and Pre Test

Some basic discussion I have to keep with you all guys about your e-learning portal and your pre test 

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1. Your ODOP should be completed before the pre test exam. Certificate of ODOP will be uploaded automatically to your e learning portal you ppl don’t have to upload the certificate. If you all have attended the ODOP and still didn’t received your ODOP certificate do check your mail if you have attend online. 

2. While log in to e learning portal you have to give your pre test and it is mandatory in pre test exam you have 4 subjects of each Module. 

“Your question will be how to write the pre test exam????”

3. Pre test is like your self prepatorty exam in pre test you can take the help of your moduele also if you want why m saying bcz I did the same. Don’t be panic there will be no supervisior to check.

4. Now when you log in pre test exam your log in I’d will be your executive registration number.

5. For each 8 papers ( both the module) you have 99 attempts to clear your pre test exam time limit for each paper will be 60mins 

This will be all mcq Patten only. 

6. When you complete your pre test exam the certificate of pre test exam will be sent by ICSI to your email if not then you can download form e-learning portal also.

7. Clear your pre test exam before the last date of your examination fees payment. ICSI will not accept your examination fees if you have not clear the pre test exam.

8. The last and but not least the link for pre test exam is e learning portal log in and check out if the pre test exam window is open or not. So give your pre test exam before the last date of examination fees.

9. Those who have not done with the ODOP and if you waiting for offline ODOP complete your ODOP and then only you are eligible for pre test exam.

Credit Goes To – Max Jain 

Written by Max Jain

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