*⚠️Kind Attention⚠️ सुनो सुनो सुनो⚠️*
♥️For Your Convenience Here's the Playlist of GST & Income Tax Revision for CS EXECUTIVE ( Must Watch Before Exam)♥️👇For *June 2023* & December 2023
*Income Tax & GST Amendments For June 2023*
*Income Tax Amendments*👇🔥
*GST Amendments*🔥👇
🔴*GST का जागरण (Marathon)* Fully Updated🔴👇
👉 *GST Darbar (Most Detailed Revision)* 📢👇जिन students को detailed में revise करना है। (Watch With Above Amendment)
👉 *Income Tax Marathon (30 Hours)* Watch with Above Amendment📢👇
👉 *Custom Super Fast Revision* 📢👇
👉 *Income Tax Student Darbar (Jo Jada Detailed me Revision karna chahte hai)* 📢👇
👉HIGL Level MCQs Practice (100% Expected for Exams)
CA Vivek Gaba