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1. The Institute of Company Secretaries of 

India is set up under __________

a. Companies Act, 1956

b. Act of Parliament

c. Companies Act, 2013

d. Act of State Legislature

2. The profession of Company Secretaries is 

governed by __________

a. Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

b. Institute of Company Secretaries of India

c. Institute of Cost and Management 

Accountants of India

d. Bar Council of India

3. The __________ develops and regulates the 

profession of Company Secretaries in India.

a. Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

b. institute of Company Secretaries of India

c. Institute of Cost and Management 

Accountants of India

d. Bar Council of India

4. Institute of Company Secretaries of India 

functions under the jurisdiction of 


a. Ministry of Finance, Government of India

b. Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of 


c. Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government 

of India

d. None of the above

5. Institute of Company Secretaries of India 

has its headquarters at __________

a.New Delhi


c. Mumbai

d. Kolkata

6.The ICSI is a premier national professional 

body established under

(a)Act of Parliament

(b)Act of Central Government

(c)Companies Act, 2013

(d)Both (a) and (b)

7. Company Secretary is not the Key 

Managerial Personnel of the Company.



(c)Partly True

(d)Can’t Say

8. The ICSI functions under the 

administrative jurisdiction of

(a)Ministry of State Affair

(b)Central Government

(c)Ministry of Corporate Affair

(d)Both (b) and (c)

9. The role of Company Secretary is :



(c)Both (a) and (b)

(d)Can’t say

10.”Speak the truth and abide by law” is the 

__________ of the Institute of Company

Secretaries of India.

a. Vision

b. Motto

c. Mission

d. None of the above

11.The word integrity is derived from Latin 

word __________

a. Integer

b. Integra

c. lntragur

d. Integrem

12.Integrity means __________




d.All of the above

13.Ethics is derived from Greek word 


a. Ethia

b. Ethiu

c. Ethos

d. Ethamia.

14.Whatever is conscientiously right is 


a. Integrity

b. Ethics

c. Honesty

d. Ownership

15. __________ means possessing a sense of 

right and wrong

a. Integrity

b. Ownership

c. Ethics

d. Reliability

16. Secretarial Audit report should be 

prepared by

(a)Every listed company

(b)Every Public company having a paid-up 

share capital of 50 crore rupees or more

(c)Every Public company having a turnover of 

250 crore or more

(d) All of the above.

17. The Role of Scrutinizer is played by

(a) Charted Accountant

(b) Companies Secretary in practice

(c) Advocate

(d) All of the above.

18. A Company Secretary in practice is not 

eligible to become a Technical Member of 




(c)Partly True

(d)Partly False

19. A practicing company secretary can be a 

member of NCLT if he is practicing for at 


(a) 10 years

(b) 5 years

(c) 15 years

(d) 20 years.

20. Company Secretary has been recognised

to represent before various Regulators, and

Authorities under which Act?

(a)SEBI Act, 1992

(b)LLP Act, 2008

(c)Telecom Regulatory Authority of Indian

Act, 1997

(d)All of the above

21. Power/duties of Auditors apply

__________ to Company Secretary in practice

conducting secretarial audit.

(a) Matadis Mutandis

(b) Mutatis Mutandis

(c) Mutatis Mutantis

(d) None of the above.

22. Full form of SEBI:

(a) Securities and Exchange Board of India

(b) Shares and Exchange Board of India

(c) Securities and Employment Board of India

(d) Both (a) and (c)

23. Vision of Institute of Company Secretaries

Board of India is :

(a) To be a global leader in promoting good

corporate governance

(b) To develop high caliber professional

facilitating good corporate governance.

(c) Speak the truth abide by the law.

(d) To lead the world.

24. Companies Secretary is a :

(a) Solution Provider

(b) Business Manager

(c) Strategist

(d)All of the above.

25.Work of a Practicing Company Secretary is


(a)Secretarial Audit

(b)Pre-certification of e-form

(c)Duty to report fraud

(d)All of the above.

26.Stock exchange and every company shall

provide the facility to it members to exercise

right to vote if it has:

(a)not less than one thousand members

(b)not less than ten thousand members

(c)not more than one thousand members

(d)not more than ten thousand members.

27.Function of Company Secretary is defined


(a)Section 205

(b)Section 2 sub-section (1) clause (c) of

Companies Secretary Act, 1980.

(c)Both (a) and (b)

(d)None of these.

28.The Companies Act recognizes Company

Secretary as one of the __________

a. Senior management

b. Key Managerial Personnel

c. Executive management

d. Board of Directors

29.Which of the following companies are

required to appoint a whole time key

managerial personnel?

a. Listed company

b. Every public company having paid up share

capital of 10 crore rupees or more

c. Every company having paid up share

capital of 10 crore rupees or more

d. Only a and b

30.Which of the following companies are

required to appoint a whole time company


a. Listed company

b. Every private company having a paid up

capital of 10 crore rupees or more

c. Every public company having a paid up

capital of 10 crore rupees or more

d. All of the above

31.Who of the following is a company


a. Any person who is appointed as a Key

Managerial Personnel, whether or not he is a

member of ICSI

b. Any person who is a member of ICSI,

whether or not he is appointed to perform the

functions of company secretary.

c. Any person who is a member of ICSI and

who is appointed to perform the functions of

company secretary

d. Any person who can successfully conduct

due diligence and audits

32.Which of the following is not a duty of

Company Secretary?

a. To prepare accounts of companies

b. To report to the Board about compliance

with the provisions of law

c. To provide the directors guidance with

regard to their duties, responsibilities and


d. To represent before various regulators

33.A company secretary who is deemed to be

in practice under section 2(2) is called?

a. Company Secretary

b. Company Secretary in Practice

c. Compliance Officer

d. Secretarial Auditor

34.Under which section of Companies Act

2013 is Company Secretary in Practice


a. Section 2(20)

b. Section 2(22)

c. Section 2(21)

d. Section 2(25)

35.A member of institute shall be deemed to

be in practice when

a. He is individually in practice

b. He is in partnership with one or more

members of institute

c. He is in partnership with members of such

other recognized professions

d. All of above

36.Legal works of a company is done by:

(a) CS in practice

(b) CS in employment

(c) Advocate

(d) All of the above

37. __________ has authorised Practicing

Company Secretary to undertake internal

audit of various capital market


(a) SEBI

(b) Central Government

(c) Audit Committee

(d) Comptroller and Auditor General of India

38. Which act as a repository of all digital

Signature Certificate (DSC):

(a) MCA (Ministry of Corporate Affairs)

(b) Government

(c) Both ‘A’ and ;B’

(d) Controller

39.According to __________ every private

company which has a paid up share capital of

10 crore rupees or more shall have a whole

time company secretary.

a. Section 2(24)

b. Rule 8

c. Section 205

d. Rule 8A

40.A company secretary is a _________


a. Single disciplinary


c. Dual disciplinary

d. part time

41. Which of the following services cannot be

rendered by a company secretary?

a. Corporate governance services

b. Corporate secretarial services

c. Business laws services

d. Book keeping services

42. Any qualification or observation made by

company secretary in his secretarial audit

report shall be explained by __________

a. The chairman of the audit committee

b. Key managerial personnel

c. Board of director

d. Independent directors

43. Any qualification or observation made by

company secretary in his secretarial audit

report shall be explained in __________

a. Audit report

b. Board’s report

c. Annual report

d. Annual return

44. Which of the following is not a corporate

secretarial service?

a. Promotion and incorporation of companies

b. Maintenance of statutory books and


c. Maintenance of wage slip

d. Work relating to shares and their transfer

and transmission

45. What are bigger companies where a

company secretary in practice can undertake

Secretarial Audit?

a. Listed company

b. Public companies with turnover more than

250 crore

c. Public companies with paid up capital

more than 50 crore

d. All of the above

46. Advisory in issue of shares and other

securities is a _________ service.

a. Takeover code service

b. Public issue, fisting and management


c. Securities compliance service

d. Taxation service

47. Advising on matters related to IPRs is a

_________ service

a. Taxation service

b. Strategic management service

c. International trade service

d. Financial market service

48. Advising on foreign trade policy and

procedures is a _________ service

a. Taxation service

b. Strategic management service

c. International trade service

d. Financial market service

49. The Abbreviation ‘BIFR’ with reference to

Sick Companies in India means:

(a)Board for Indian Financial Reserves

(b)Board for Industrial and Financial


(c)Board for Industrial and Financial


(d)Board for International Fund Reserve

50. Budgetary controls is a _________ service

a. Taxation service

b. Finance and accounting service

c. General management service

d, Financial market service

51. Advising on legal structure of the

organisation is a _________ service

a. Taxation service

b. Finance and accounting service

c. General management service

d. Financial market service

52. Advising on business policy planning is a

_________ service.

a. Taxation service

b. Finance and accounting service

c. General management service

d. Financial market service

53. Advising on liquidity management is a

_________ service

a. Taxation service

b. Finance and accounting service

c. General management service

d. Financial market service

54. Public Issue, Listing and Securities

Management is a _________ service.

a. Accounting Service

b. Taxation Service

c. Financial Markets Service

d. WTO Service

55. Ensuring compliance of the _________

comes under Takeover Code and Insider


a. Internal Audit

b. Business Valuation

c. Takeover Regulations

d. Loan Documentation

56. Compliance with SEBI regulations is not

mandatory under Takeover Code and Insider


a. False

b. True

c. Partially False

d. Partially True

57. Internal Audit of Depository Participants

comes under __________

a. Takeover Code

b. Securities Compliance

c. Taxation Service

d. Management Service

58. Securities Compliance and Certification

Services deal with certifications under





d. RBI

59.Internal Audit comes under _________


a. Financial Markets

b. Finance and Accounting

c. Management

d. Taxation

60. Securities Compliance also includes

conducting Audit in relation to __________

a. Loan Documentation

b. Reconciliation of Shares

c. Project Report

d. Private placement of shares

61. Listing/Delisting of securities with

recognized stock exchange is a _________


a. Management

b. Security compliance

c. Financial Markets

d. None of the above

62. Syndication of Loans from Banks and

financial institutions is not a financial

markets service.

a. False

b. True

c. Partially False

d. Partially True

63. Finance and Accounting Service also

includes _________ management

a. Working Capital

b. Liquidity

c. Both a and b

d. None of these

64. Business valuations are done after

Mergers and/or Acquisitions,

a. True

b. False

c. Partially True

d. Partially False

65. Accounting and Compilation of financial

statements is a _________ service

a. Management-

b. Finance and Accounting

c. Taxation

d. WTO

66. Representing companies and other

persons before tax authorities and tribunals is

a _________service

a. Management

b. Finance and Accounting

c Taxation –

d. WTO

67. Formulation of organizational structure is

a _________ Service

a. Management

b. Finance and Accounting

c. Taxation

d. WTO

68. International Trade Service includes

advising on matters relating to antidumping,

subsidies and _________ duties

a. Commercial

b. All

c. Countervailing

d. ISO certification

69. Arranging board meetings is a _________


a. Corporate governance service

b. Corporate secretarial service

c. General management service

d. Human resource service

70. Advising on _________ licensing comes

under international trade service

a. ISO

b. IPO

c. GST

d. Intellectual Property

71. Determination of an appropriate capital

structure comes under finance and

accounting service.

a. True

b. False

c. Partially True

d. Partially False

72. Tax management and tax planning comes

under management service.

a. True

b. Partially true

c. False

d. Partially false

73. Communication with shareholders,

stakeholders, government etc. comes under


a. Management

b. Finance and Accounting

c. Taxation

d. Corporate communication

74. Acting as representative to obtain ISO

certification comes under _________ service

a. Taxation service

b. Finance and accounting service

c. General management service

d. Financial market service

75. Corporate communication includes

providing advisory services for _________ and

image building.

a. Taxation

b. Brand equity

c. Audit

d. Trademark

Good Luck 🙂


Questions Answers Questions Answers Questions Answers

1 B 26 A 51 C

2 B 27 A 52 C

3 B 28 B 53 B

4 C 29 D 54 C

5 A 30 D 55 C

6 A 31 C 56 A

7 A 32 A 57 B

8 C 33 B 58 C

9 A 34 D 59 B

10 B 35 D 60 B

11 A 36 D 61 C

12 A 37 A 62 B

13 C 38 D 63 C

14 B 39 D 64 B

15 C 40 B 65 B

16 D 41 D 66 C

17 D 42 C 67 A

18 B 43 B 68 C

19 C 44 C 69 B

20 D 45 D 70 D

21 B 46 B 71 A

22 A 47 C 72 C

23 A 48 C 73 D

24 D 49 C 74 C

25 D 50 B 75 B

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