Students Choice Awards RESULTS 2021
CS Executive 2021
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Students Choice Awards Result Best Teacher of JIGL - CS Shubham Modi
Vote Share -46.7%
Male - 36.7%
Female - 61.6%
Others - 1.7%
Team CS Aspirant
Students Choice Awards
Best Teacher of SBEC - Adv. Chirag Chotrani
Vote Share - 44.6%
Male - 36.7%
Female - 61.6%
Others - 1.7%
Team CS Aspirant
Student Choice Awards
Best Teacher of Company Law
CS Shubham Sukhlecha
Vote Share - 31.3%
CS Shubham Abad
Vote Share - 24.4%
Male - 36.7%
Female - 61.6%
Others - 1.7%
Team CS Aspirant
Students Choice Awards
Best Teacher of Tax Law - CA Vivek Gaba
Vote Share - 50.8%
Male - 36.7%
Female - 61.6%
Others - 1.7%
Team CS Aspirant
Students Choice Awards
Best Teacher of SLCM - Cs Shubham Sukhlecha
Vote Share - 31.1%
Male - 36.7%
Female - 61.6%
Others - 1.7%
Team CS Aspirant
Students Choice Awards
Best Teacher of EBCL - CS Shubham Abad
Vote Share -35.6%
Male - 36.7%
Female - 61.6%
Others - 1.7%
Team CS Aspirant
Students Choice Awards
Best Teacher of FSM & CMA
Prof. Raj Awate
Vote Share - 29.3% & 28.5%
Prof. Ashish Parikh
Vote Share - 35.6% & 26.5%
Male - 36.7%
Female - 61.6%
Others - 1.7%
Team CS Aspirant
Best and Most Favourite Teachers
CS Shubham Modi (Unique Academy for Commerce)
Adv. Chirag Chotrani (Yes Academy for CS)
Company Law
CS Shubham Sukhlecha (Inspir Academy)
CS Shubham Abad (Unique Academy for Commerce)
Tax Law
CA Vivek Gaba (VG Study Hub)
CS Shubham Abad (Unique Academy for Commerce)
Prof. ASHISH PARIKH (Unique Academy for Commerce)
Prof. RAJ AWATE (Inspire Academy)
CS Shubham Sukhlecha (Inspir Academy)
Best Academy of the Year is….
Unique Academy For Commerce 🏆🏆🏆🏆
Note: This certificate is based on a survey conducted by csaspirant on more than 1000 students. The purpose of this survey has been taken to encourage teachers and help future cs aspirants to find the best teachers for their studies.
This survey is totally based on online mode and all votes were casted on student’s whim and
the user acknowledges that the use of this information or data may be subject to error and
omission, and the accuracy of the information provided herein is not guaranteed or
represented to be true, complete or correct.
Team CS Aspirant