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Strategies for RCD paper - CS Professional

*Strategies for RCD paper*

1.As the paper is divided into 9 chapters so You need to first prioritise the sequence in which you are going to study RCD chapter First do CHP 5 which is very important for exam point of view

The sequence shall be

5 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 9 , 4 , 6 , 7 ,8

This is the sequence which I also followed during my revision time

2.The next important topic is the paper is all ABOUT case studies every question will be part of case study only and not direct question so You need to clear the concept and with the help of your concept you can write anser in exam

3.Make seperate note book where you will write all the penalties as given in book and all case law name and legal issue what has been decided in the case

4.Make another seperate note book where you will prepare charts for each and every chapter first go through your entire book main book Then refer summary charts or mind mapping charts I would suggest you to draw the charts in your diagram in your book by your handwriting only

5.Writing practice is very important in this paper so Do attempt full syallabus test of RCD before you are appearing for final icsi examination

6.Revision sequence is shared you need to revise in that sequence okay and make sure that 3 times revsion is done

7.One day befor your exam you will refer the charts which you made during the time of self study

*I also made the charts and refer that one day before exam*

By CS Shehzaan mohammed


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